A Caring Church

As believers in Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism (James 2:1 NIV).
I cringed as I listened to our missionary keynote speaker describe our* church in glowing terms. “I don’t know of any other church that has a yearly mission conference like you do. It’s wonderful that you have such a caring church!” While it was true that we’d been having mission conferences for many years, it was also true that, at times, the needy had not been welcomed in our church.
The wife of one low-income family who came dressed in slacks was asked, “Don’t you have anything better to wear?” Meanwhile, other newcomers such as a respected businessman and his wife were treated like royalty. (“Now there’s a family we want to get!”)
That attitude is in direct opposition to our instructions in the book of James. He makes it clear that we are not to fawn over the wealthy and discriminate against those who do not have fine clothes. In the Old Testament God spoke even more forcefully through Isaiah to people who observed religious traditions but mistreated the poor (Isaiah 1:13-17).
Having mission conferences and supporting oversea’s missions is commendable, but when they become a substitute for reaching out to the less fortunate in our own communities, I don’t believe God is impressed.
Forgive us, Lord, when we choose to demonstrate our love only to the socially elite and the distant poor. Amen.
*This devotional was written long ago and was not referring to our current church.

(Devotional from Homespun Faith, Reflections from the Seasons of Life, copyright 2014 Daisy Beiler Townsend. Available as paperback or Ebook: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Xulon Press. There are Links on this website on the Where to Buy Homespun Faith and Sarah’s Legacy page. Locally at Fresh Grounds, M & M Grocery, Leana’s Books, Penn Alps in Grantsville, Maryland, or from me 724-373-8445 or donaisy@neo.rr.com.)


2 thoughts on “A Caring Church

  1. Friend, a few weeks ago God began to speak to my heart of this when I was hearing frequently how some in the “body” kept going on about how great so and so was. He pierced my heart with the Truth of Romans 2:11, “For God shows no partiality”, and James tells us also to not show favoritism. So I am asking God how to gently correct other’s thinking in love.

    1. The truth is, it’s not really good for those who are being put on pedestals either! My parents were such wonderful examples of not showing favoritism but treating everyone as important. Praying for you to have wisdom in your situation.

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