Tested by Promise
What comes to mind when you remember the Israelite’s deliverance from Egypt? I admit I usually think of their repeated doubt and […]
What comes to mind when you remember the Israelite’s deliverance from Egypt? I admit I usually think of their repeated doubt and […]
Last year it had been advertised that Boscov’s Department Store was coming to the Eastwood Mall in October of 2020. I was […]
It suddenly occurred to me the other day that Donn and I have been grandparents for thirty years! Our son became involved […]
As I sit down at my computer, it’s been more than five months since we started our journey through the valley of […]
But David encouraged himself in the Lord (I Samuel 30:6 KJV). Today’s scripture tells us that David encouraged himself in the Lord. […]
While most of us associate Thanksgiving Day with a table laden with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, it’s meaning goes […]
Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” (Matthew 16:22 NIV) […]
The last Sunday of September, I had one of those days where I woke up weepy for no reason, a commonplace occurrence […]
Then those who feared and loved the Lord spoke often of him to each other. And He had a Book of Remembrance […]
When we decided to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary with a family vacation at Deep Creek Lake, it was our son, Robb’s, […]