A New Song
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth (Psalm 96:1 NIV). Step by step, the […]
Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth (Psalm 96:1 NIV). Step by step, the […]
Gideon said to God, “…Look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the […]
You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?” I will […]
“There is still one thing you lack,” Jesus said. “Sell all you have and give the money to the poor―it will become […]
“There is still one thing you lack,” Jesus said. “Sell all you have and give the money to the poor―it will become […]
Then Jesus…said to him, “One thing you lack: go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you […]
My mother used to say, “I’ve never known anyone who loves to argue as much as the Beilers” (my maiden name). She […]
Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart (Deuteronomy 10:16 KJV). One day as I glanced through a magazine, an article caught my […]
Recently an acquaintance invited me to view a slide show of flowers on her I-Pad. I was delighted until I saw her […]
They asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” (Mark 16:3 NIV) Can you sense the […]