In my book, Homespun Faith, I told how the Lord provided a way to keep our lovely upright piano in the family when we went to Japan. My sisters
and I had helped my dad refinish this piano, so it had a lot of sentimental value. When our daughter, Angelyn, took the piano for Joy’s piano lessons, she started asking questions about the history of this beautiful piece of furniture.
I asked for input from my older siblings since I’m next to the youngest of seven. My oldest sister, Lucy, told me the story. Mom had noticed Lucy had musical ability, playing musical instruments in other people’s homes. So she asked Daddy if we could buy a piano. He agreed. Since there was never much money for extras, Mom asked how much we could spend. He told her $25.
Lucy told me Mom had done what she did best–she prayed, asking God for a piano for $25. Sometime near Lucy’s 16th birthday, Daddy came home from the filling station saying he’d heard someone had a piano available for $25 if he would come and get it. He made arrangements and our family became the owners of an upright piano covered in less-than-attractive black stain.
No one remembers exactly when the huge stripping process began, maybe around 1968. We used everything imaginable, including toothbrushes, to remove the black stain and reveal the beautiful designs on the book rest. When at last the piano was stripped and lightly stained, the transformation was breathtaking. The piano was almost unrecognizable as the one Daddy had purchased for $25.
I can’t help but compare this process to the Holy Spirit’s ability to strip away the things that hinder our beauty from shining through the black stain of self and sin. To the world, we may not appear valuable, but our Heavenly Father knows the masterpiece hidden under the stain because He Himself created it! Sometimes the stripping process is painful, but afterward, it’s worth it all. The words “but afterward” always remind me of Hebrews 12:11: No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.
Father, when we’re going through a painful stripping process, help us fix our eyes on Jesus and the But afterward that will make it all worthwhile. Amen.
Photos: 1) My sister, Ruth, and I in 1967. 2) Our granddaughter, Joy, in 2008. 3)Donn and me in 1969.