I never cease to be amazed at the opportunities God gives me to have meaningful conversations when I might least expect it, although I’ve found that just sharing my life with everyone the same way I’d share it with my Christian friends goes a long way toward having meaningful conversations!
Last Saturday Mercer Library had a ‘Meet the Authors Day’ for local authors. I really look forward to these events even though my energy these days is in shorter supply than in the past. At some point in the day, MG who has become my friend through other events we’ve held there, came to my table clutching a copy of Homespun Faith with his finger marking a place.

“So what’s your favorite verse?” he asked.
I was surprised but responded promptly, “Romans 12:1-2.
“Do you have your favorite verses memorized?”
“Some of them. Romans 12:1-2 says, I beseech you, therefore, brethren….” I smiled. “Obviously, this is the King James Version!”
MG smiled back. “I like that version. It has a more poetic sound.”
I nodded and continued, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable service. Then there are some more instructions.
“Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may know what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God.”
I hesitated, then decided to go ahead and tell MG why those verses are special to me. “Years ago, I found myself saying over and over, ‘God, what IS your will for my life?’ I thought it would be a terrible loss if I lived my whole life and never accomplished the purpose for which God had created me.”
MG looked thoughtful and I went on. “One night when I was in church, I discovered Romans 12:1-2. I was SO excited and said to myself, ‘I knew I could know! I knew I could know what God’s will is for my life!
“But then I realized there were conditions to that promise. What did it mean to make of my body a living sacrifice?”
“Right,” MG murmured.
“Eventually, God showed me that making of my body a living sacrifice meant being willing to go, or do, or be whatever God asked of me.”
“That wouldn’t always be easy,” MG asserted.
“No, it isn’t! When I first suspected God was calling us to Japan, I said, ‘Surely, you aren’t calling us to go to Japan.’ And then my next question, ‘Surely you wouldn’t ask me to go and leave my granddaughter.’ But that was exactly what He was asking.”
I can’t remember MG’s exact words, but something about that putting my husband in a difficult position. I nodded, “Sometimes it did.”
Although I’ve known this man for about five years, I don’t really know where he is spiritually. He isn’t hostile to the Gospel and told me early in our relationship that my books sounded like something his book club members would like. Later, he got their approval to have them buy and read the books in my Sarah’s Legacy series, then have me come and discuss them with the club. He always sat in on the discussions. One day I hope God will give me the opportunity and words to ask what he believes but in the meantime, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to have meaningful conversations with him.
Later in the afternoon, a young college student named Chance came to talk about writing with some of the authors. When he got to my table, we had a great discussion. I had the opportunity to tell him why I had been interested in writing and to ask what his plans are. He’s a sophomore at Grove City College and hopes eventually to teach at a college and pursue his passion for writing.
I asked him, “Are you a Christian?” to which he promptly answered “Yes.”
“So you know, of course, that the most important thing is discovering what God’s plan is for your life.”
Again he promptly agreed and told me how he’d arrived at his decision for a career path. I asked him to write down his name so I could be praying for him. Chance told me he is adopted. When his parents found him, he told me his dad said, “This is our chance!” So meaningful. His parents are also Christians.
“You are so blessed that God gave you parents who have taught you about Jesus and who were so thrilled to get you that your dad said, ‘This is our Chance!’”
He agreed and today I added his name to my prayer list, praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in his life, guiding him along God’s path.
Heavenly Father, please make us so aware of the importance of meaningful conversations that we’ll always be open to the promptings of your Holy Spirit to speak words that could make a difference in the lives of those with whom we speak. Amen.
Health Update
My joint pains seem to have lessened as well as my hot flashes, which is certainly a pleasant surprise because Dr. L had said the hot flashes would increase after I started taking the new medicine. Having problems falling asleep comes and goes but is not continuous. Last week I had my echocardiogram which will happen every three months as long as I’m in treatment. To my untrained eye, the results appear to be good, but I’ll see Dr. L next week when I have my Targeted Treatment.
Last week my surgeon’s office called to schedule my reconstructive surgery. We settled on January 16, which is halfway between my cataract surgeries, if my PCP and my Oncologist both approve me for both surgeries.
I think my energy supply is lower than usual but it may just be due to being busier than usual getting ready for Christmas. I didn’t do a blog last week, and I may miss more in the next couple months in order to complete other responsibilities or in order to rest. Thank you so much for your prayers. I am humbled by how many people tell me they are praying for me every day!