Get in the Game!


 (Beyond the Wardrobe Part III)
Last week I said if your evaluation shows that your scriptural knowledge has not been turned into spiritual power and you are still a spectator in the battle raging “Beyond the Wardrobe,” I want to give you some practical tools.
Soon after Pastor Dick LaFountain came to the Grove City Alliance Church, he put out copies of this book, Touch the World through Prayer by Wesley Duewel. Above it, he put a sign that said, “Free to Intercessors.” It has since become a favorite of mine and of my daughter, Angelyn’s. I highly recommend it if you want to turn your scriptural knowledge into spiritual authority and become a participant in the battle.
(Wesley Duewel is a former president of One Mission Society with whom we later served in Japan. For this reason, I was unprepared for the storm that erupted when I suggested presenting teaching from this book to pastors in Japan. Once again, I recognized that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places, and the rulers of the darkness of this world.” Satan does not want Christians’ scriptural knowledge to be turned into spiritual power, and he certainly doesn’t want them to become participants rather than spectators in the battle.)
Others have been changed from spectators into participants in the spiritual battle by watching The War Room, an excellent movie that focuses on recognizing and fighting spiritual battles. “Clara” (Karen Abercrombie) reminds me a great deal of my feisty mentor, Frannie, who taught me a great deal about spiritual warfare in my early days. I highly recommend this movie. There’s also a book and study guide to go with it.
One word of warning, don’t try to fight the battle alone. God didn’t call us to be lone rangers. Make sure you’re under the umbrella of a godly church or organization if you plan to become a participant in the battle. In 2005, we knew God was calling us to lead a prayer ministry for Japan but understood our need to be under the umbrella of a godly organization. The next day when we received Men for Mission’s call asking if we’d lead their Japan Prayer Initiative, it was confirmation of what God had already told us. This was the protection we’d been looking for.    
I’d like to end with a question from Reverend Ken Dunkerley’s message, Beyond the Wardrobe: “When you come face to face with Satan’s activity in your life or in the life of someone else, when demonic forces interfere with your life or the life of someone close to you, are you a fan who stands by to see what’s going to happen or are you a passionate player, one who’s been prepared to take authority over Satan and all his activity? Are you a spectator, or are you a participant?  Are you “in the game” or are you “on the bench?”
If you are “on the bench,” I pray these blogs inspired by Reverend Dunkerley’s message will inspire you to ask the Lord what needs to happen in your life so that you can “get in the game.” He wants to do all that’s needed to prepare you to join the battle.
Heavenly Father, place a longing in our hearts to stop being spectators and be prepared to get in the game! Amen.


2 thoughts on “Get in the Game!

  1. Praying for the Church to step up. So many start the year with prayer and fasting. I was surprised by someone today saying the whole New York debacle looks demonic. He was hesitant to say it, but I told him it definitely is. And that Ephesians 6 where we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in the air has kept me many times praying for the people, the agents, against God in this war. We can’t hate. I also wonder if their hearts are hardened so God’s people will rise to the battle cry. Are we getting angry enough? A righteous anger where we do not sin, but turn to God in prayer.

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