The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it (I Thessalonians 5:24 NIV).
We knew when Phil* came to live with us that one day we would have to tell him good-bye. It was the reason I’d always said I’d never do foster care. Now that day was here, and memories flooded my mind of the day we’d met Phil, with his slightly crooked nose and baby-fine, cowlick hair. Lovable and sometimes exasperating, he’d become very dear to me.
I’d tried during the past two years to prepare myself for this day, but what if I’d been right all along—what if I couldn’t handle letting Phil go? What if I came “unglued” when it was time to say good-bye? Soon after Phil had arrived, his caseworker had told us, “We’ll take as much time as Phil needs to be ready to return home, even if it takes four years.” After she left, Donn had said softly, “And after four years, how do you say good-bye?” Even after only two years, the question remained.
The day was filled with tension and misunderstandings, and the pressure built until I thought I would explode. Then the phone rang and my friend, Jane, spent the next hour listening, comforting, and encouraging me. When I hung up, peace reigned in my heart, and I knew I could do what I needed to do. The God who had called us to do foster care was faithful, and I knew He would enable me to say good-bye.
Perhaps you’re facing a situation that requires you to say good bye to someone dear to you. Maybe someone has died or someone has rejected you because you don’t agree with their political or theological views. No matter what the reason, if you rely on Him, the Lord will give you the grace to survive the difficult good byes.
Faithful God, thank you that you never call us to do anything that you will not enable us to do. Amen.
*(Name changed.)

2 thoughts on “How Do You Say Good-Bye?”
Thanku got this today
YAY!!! Glad it worked!