Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).
I closed the last of the many wallpaper books I had looked at that morning. It was no use. I could not find the pattern I had seen and liked several days earlier. As I got up to leave the store, a book with nature scenes caught my eye. I love butterflies so I picked up the heavy book. Toward the back, in just the colors I needed, were pages and pages of butterfly patterns that I liked much more than the other pattern I had been trying so hard to find!
Several days later, I became discouraged by the numerous health problems that plagued me and began to feel that I had exhausted all possible solutions to restore my health. Suddenly, like a glimmer of sunshine, I remembered the incident in the wallpaper store. That day, too, I had been ready to give up, thinking there was no use looking any further. I had almost missed the solution to my problem–a solution better even than the one I’d been looking for!
My health problems didn’t disappear, but I had the courage now to go on. I knew the solutions were there in the hands of One who is able to do more than I could ask or think!
Thank you for giving me the courage not to give up, Father. Help me remember that nothing is too difficult for you. Amen.