A month or so ago, I shared that three Christmas seasons in a row, we or dear friends lost loved ones at Christmas time. Some years later when I asked God why He had allowed these things to happen at Christmas―a time that should be filled with happiness and joy, He told me, “For this, you have Jesus.” In other words, it was for times like this that Jesus came.
Around the time I posted that blog, we were nearing the beginning of the Advent season. One by one people in leadership at our church became either temporarily or permanently unavailable to plan and orchestrate the special services for this season. In addition, several leaders developed serious, life-threatening illnesses. I, at least, begin to feel like our church family was in a boxing rink receiving one blow after another.
Even though I’d just had a review of the Christmas “For this we have Jesus” concept, once again I questioned why God had allowed these things to happen at this “inconvenient” time. I have to admit it wasn’t until the end of the Advent season that I remembered what God had told me: “For this, you have Jesus.” It was for times such as our church was going through that Jesus came.
One of our elders said, “Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the church, and for that reason, we can go on.” I’d heard years ago that sometimes the Lord removes the “props” we’ve been leaning on so that we will lean on Him. So our Church survived this difficult Advent season without most of our props. Many people stepped out of their comfort zones and leaned on Jesus to fulfill roles they hadn’t expected to fill. We discovered in a real way that “For this, we have Jesus.”
Even though I thought I had learned that lesson years ago, I discovered when I was tested that I hadn’t really learned it. Or perhaps I’d learned the lesson in the family arena but not in the church. Thankfully, in God’s kingdom, we don’t ever really fail a course. In His mercy and grace, He keeps giving us the same test over and over until we pass!
Heavenly Father, plant your truth deep in our hearts so that even when trials come at Christmas or other inconvenient times, we will remember that for this, we have Jesus. Amen.