Restoring Shattered Faith

This week I’d like to introduce Rev. Richard LaFountain, our former pastor and dear friend, affectionately known as Pastor Dick. He has been a pastor for over forty years and has now retired to write, as well as  teach and preach on prayer. He has recently written an important book, Restoring Shattered Faith, that I’d like to feature today using information from the back cover of his book.
“In 1982 Pastor Dick’s 12-year-old daughter was killed by a speeding car. Her suffering and untimely death was at first disappointing then devastating. Dick shares his personal experience of shattered faith and deep depression that followed. Through a miracle of God’s amazing grace and the counsel of wise men, he was able to wade through those dark years of deep depression and grief to come out on the other side with a stronger faith in the sovereignty and goodness of God. His hope and prayer is that this story may help others who have experienced a shattered faith”
“What do you do when God fails to come through for you? Millions of Christians start their walk with God with great hope, faith and dreams that God will always answer their prayers. Then somewhere along the way a crisis happens, a sickness, an accident, a failed marriage, wayward children, or a loved one dies or commit suicide. Suddenly you ask, ‘Where was God? Why did this happen to me? Why didn’t God answer my prayer?’ Worse yet, thousands of struggling believers become unbelievers, secretly convinced that God doesn’t really care about their circumstances and He doesn’t always answer prayer. They conclude that God lied and His promises are not true.
“This book is a message for all those whose faith has been disappointed, wounded or shattered. It is a call to ‘Let it be healed!’ It is time to start believing God again.”
Do you know what it feels like “When your world falls apart and God doesn’t show up to save the day”? If so, I highly recommend this book. Restoring Shattered Faith is available on Pastor Dick’s website at


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