Sarah’s Legacy Lived, the 4th and final book in the Sarah’s Legacy series, is now available! It can be purchased from me or online. The cost is $18, because it’s twice as long as the other three, or $15 at my book events and to friends and family. You don’t want to miss the final book of this series!
Beta Readers
I mailed the Sarah’s Legacy Lived manuscript just before 3:00 p.m. one day and by a little before 3:00 p.m. the next day, I had my first response.
Beta Reader #1
Well, I read it! Oh my, you have been given such a talent and gift for writing. I had to force myself to go to bed last night because I just wanted to keep reading. You have touched so many emotions – I laughed, cried, and even remembered my dad telling me that I would never be old and always ‘young’. Sarah’s Legacy Lived really kept my interest and I could not put it down – so to speak. I felt like it flowed so well and the characters were so real to me.
Beta Reader #2 has three children and doesn’t have a lot of time for reading but still made it through in record time. She says:
I’m about halfway through, and this is so good, Daisy! I’m enjoying this one just as much, if not more, than the others! I’ve laughed, cried, and it’s just wonderful!
And later..
I finished last night! It’s really wonderful! As always, I sensed God speaking to me through the lessons the characters were learning…I think your readers will be captivated by the storylines and have a hard time putting this down. I also think God will touch their hearts. It all flowed. Well done and praise Jesus for these words! I read it before bed each night, and it led me to God-filled dreams. How wonderful!
I‘m now praying for the hearts it will touch!!!!!!!!!!
Beta Reader #3
If you’ve been on this journey since the beginning, like I have, then you will be equally delighted and sad to learn that Sarah’s Legacy Lived is the culmination of the Sarah’s Legacy series. In it readers get one final look into the lives of the main character Polly Dye, her family, and friends. Having watched this cast of characters grow both in their lives and in faith, this final installment was bittersweet. However, author Daisy Townsend did a really wonderful job tying up all the lose ends and giving her readers an ending they’d be satisfied with. Love, loss, hope, fear, redemption, and forgiveness are again common themes readers can expect to find within the pages of this story. Both entertaining and inspiring, Sarah’s Legacy Lived is, simply put, the perfect summation for this series.
Over the last few years as Daisy has prepared to release each book I have been honored to review for her. And I would like to thank her once more for giving me these opportunities as it has been a lot fun. Seeing where she started and where we’ve come to land at the end of this story has been nothing short of awesome. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Daisy. Thank you for writing Sarah’s, Polly’s, Savannah’s, and everyone else’s stories. Thank you for sharing them with us, your readers, and thank you for allowing me the chance to review and offer feedback. It’s been a real delight
August 5, 2021
On Tuesday one of my readers called, so very excited. She was raised in Sandy Lake and just realized, because of a development in the plot of Sarah’s Legacy Lived, that she had known one of the main characters “back in the day.” We had a great conversation about how she knew that person and how excited she was to discover that, all along, she had known the person on whom this character had been based. Later in the afternoon, I got a call from another reader in Beaver on whose phone I’d left a message about Sarah’s Legacy Lived being available. She said she’d been worried because she hadn’t heard from me in so long. Somehow I’d missed notifying her (or she’d missed my notification) about Sarah’s Legacy Tested being ready, so she was concerned that maybe I was sick or something. I was so thankful for both these phone calls that reminded me of some of the reasons I write. It helped me get down to business and get back into writing “Diary of a Series.” Thank you to all my readers who have encouraged me along my writing journey!