A writer friend of mine, Stacey Pardoe, bought a copy of Sarah’s Legacy in January. A few weeks later, I received an email that said, “I finished Sarah’s Legacy this weekend, and honestly, the timing of this book in my life couldn’t have been more God-ordained! The story was captivating, eloquently written, and pointed to God’s love and goodness in the midst of our trials in the most beautiful ways. You did a wonderful job.”
I knew Stacey was facing some significant losses but I asked if she would be willing to write a review of Sarah’s Legacy when she felt up to it. I want to share her thought-provoking review with you:
When I first opened the pages of Sarah’s Legacy I had no idea that our
family was about to walk through our own deep and very personal loss. I contemplated Sarah’s many losses as our personal struggle unfolded, and the words of this book brought deep consolation to my soul. It’s easy to assume our faith will stand firm when life’s storms come, but the true test comes when the tempest hovers low and grief breaks our hearts. Throughout my own loss, these words were an anchor for my soul and a reminder of God’s design for times of suffering: “We have to choose whether we’ll allow God to use our sorrow and pain to shape us into the image of Christ or whether we’ll become brittle and easily shattered by the tragedies we experience.” The message of Sarah’s Legacy holds the power to transform the heart of anyone walking through a difficult situation. This book is a true beacon of light and hope for dark times!
Thank you so much, Stacey, for your willingness to share what Sarah’s Legacy meant to you. I pray the God of All Comfort will continue to bring healing to your soul and will continue to use you to minister His healing to others.
Father, thank you for walking with us through our dark valleys and for teaching us lessons we might not learn when the sun is shining. Even when it’s hard to understand, enable us to believe your motive is always love. Amen.
(Featured picture taken at my book signing at the Lakeview Area Public Library in Sandy Lake, PA, on February 23, 2018. Photo credits to my sweet husband.)