Saturday, March 9, 2019 6:00 – 8:00 P.M.
(Sans Moco, 2nd level)
172 Main Street, Greenville, PA
6:00 p.m. Mingling/Mini-desserts/Beverages/Sign Up for Drawing/ Buy books
6:30 p.m. Book Talk/Book Reading/Book Drawing
6:45 p.m. Book signing/Book Buying / Music w/Ron Knapp
Pre-Order books from now through 3/9/19 at $12
(Regular Price $15) from Daisy at,
724-373-8445; Facebook or Facebook Messenger;
Beta Reader 1
I’ve been anxiously awaiting the release of the sequel to Sarah’s Legacy from the moment I closed book one. It’s been many long months of anticipation; however, I am happy to report it was well worth the wait!
Sarah’s Legacy Shared: Book Two was absolutely fabulous and did not disappoint in the least! I thoroughly enjoyed that in this second installment of the Sarah’s Legacy series not only did we get to revisit most of the characters that we became so intimately involved with in book one, but we also got to know some of the lesser-known characters better this time around. Additionally, as with the initial story, Sarah’s Legacy Shared incorporates the perfect blend of fact and fiction. The fact that it’s set in a real town with several people who really did live there makes this extremely cool, whether you’re familiar with the area or not.
Truthfully, everything about this story kept me with my nose glued to the page. There was drama, excitement, and romance that all flowed seamlessly together, picking up right where book one left off. I loved the character development and how Daisy incorporated her love for Christ and the Bible, once again, into her story line. All of the characters experienced both good and bad, ups and downs, faith and doubt. Not only did this make the book more relatable to those of us who are already of a Christian persuasion; it also made it very easy to read and to gain knowledge from, in my opinion, for those who are maybe not of the same spiritual alignment. I know for me personally there were a number of times where a character was dealing with something and the scripture or Biblical truth that the author put forward to that character was not only beneficial and helpful to them but incredibly helpful to me as the reader. That, to me, is good writing and then some.
So, yes, I think it is safe to say that I highly recommend this book. If you have not already done so, however, be sure to read book one first.
Beta Reader 2
The way you developed a different main character while still giving lots of attention to Polly and others was so well done. There was a main character, but enough time spent with the others that you weren’t left wondering what was going on in their lives!
The characters are very real. Their repeated failures followed by victory makes them so relatable. And the way you develop their personalities and the changes they allow the Lord to make in them flows naturally. I love the changes and maturity that develop.
I’ve been trying to come up with something less positive to say, but I honestly can’t think of anything! I really, really enjoyed this book…I especially liked that we knew each character’s story…and the transitions between characters flowed very naturally. Thank you for honoring me with the job of Beta-reader!! I can’t wait for book three!
Beta Reader #3 – (She has had significant health challenges so her input came a little later than the first two.)
(After Chapter 4) – I appreciate the way you’re easing into the characters. It’s been a year since I read Sarah’s Legacy, and I forget some of the names and details. You’re painting them in a way that reminds me of what their roles were, and if this is a first-time reader, it’s still very readable as an initial introduction to the characters. (Observations from about 100 pages in) – I’m really enjoying it. I think the characters are vivid and poignant, the writing is crisp and compelling, and I’m drawn in for sure! I think it flows nicely.
(After finishing) I just finished Sarah’s Legacy Shared! It was really wonderful. Especially in the latter part of the book, I just couldn’t put it down… I’m so grateful for the many issues of the heart you addressed. There’s really something for every reader in this text — something the Holy Spirit can use to speak to the heart. The infusion of Scripture was wonderful.
I’m happy to report that the critique process for Sarah’s Legacy Shared, Book Two in the Sarah’s Legacy Series, is finished. Here is the schedule of events that will take us to publication and book launch.
1. Final Edit – first ten chapters already finished.
2. Proofreading
3. Beta readers – Since my critique partners in ACFW Scribes had not read book one, I
have recruited three beta readers who have read book one to give me input on Sarah’s
Legacy Shared. (A beta reader is usually an unpaid test reader of an unreleased work of
literature or other writing who gives feedback from the point of view of an average reader.
4. Publication process with Ingram Spark
5. Proof copy ordered and received
6. First book order placed and received
7. BOOK LAUNCH! If all goes well, my goal is still to make the book available by late
winter or early spring. We covet your prayers.
I’m more than 40% through the critique process of Sarah’s Legacy Shared, according to my math-major
husband. Since I began the process on August 21, I estimate Book Two of the Sarah’s Legacy Series should be finished either late winter or early spring, 2019. I have close to a hundred people who are eagerly waiting to be notified that the book is finished! As you can see, Donn and I have also been working on the cover, doing whatever we can to move the process forward.Thank you for the encouragement so many of you have given us!
Here is the back cover blurb
The lovely Savannah Stevens is nearing the end of her six-month trial period at Mrs. Patton’s boarding house. She’s done her job well and hasn’t entertained gentlemen in her room even once. Then George Burns, her old landlord and business partner, shows up. He comes to the room Savannah is dusting and says he’s come to get what she owes him. Mrs. Patton walks in when he’s trying to kiss her and doesn’t believe Savannah’s story.
George also pays a visit to Savannah’s beau, Garrett Young. He tells him Savannah is still having gentlemen customers and all the men at his tavern talk about her. Although Garrett wants others to believe the changes in his life were real when he came to Christ, he begins to doubt whether Savannah is really a Christian.
Will Savannah’s faith crumble when one adversity after another strikes? Will Garrett and Savannah’s relationship survive this testing? And will Polly Dye overcome her own ambivalent feelings toward Savannah in order to befriend her and share Sarah’s legacy?