Those who trust in the Lord are as steady as Mt. Zion, unmoved by any circumstance (Psalm 125:1 TLB).
God blessed our daughter, Angelyn, with a husband who is exceptionally stable, not given to emotional ups and downs. However, one day under difficult circumstances, his spirits were very low. My daughter told me later, “I didn’t know what to do. He’s my rock.”
Without conscious thought, my immediate response was, “No, honey, Jesus is your rock.”
Having a mate who is usually on an even keel emotionally is a great blessing, but only Jesus has all of the characteristics all of the time that are necessary to qualify as “our Rock.” My husband is a wonderfully stable person, but it was not until I began to rest all my weight on “The” Rock that I began to become stable. When today’s scripture first came to my attention, I was moved by every circumstance; but gradually as I claimed this verse as my own, things began to change.
Matthew 7 tells us that storms will come both to those who build on sand and to those who build on the rock, but only those who choose to build on the true Rock will survive.
Help us recognize, Lord, when the rock on which we are resting is not the solid Rock which no storm can shake. Amen.
Author’s Note: As our Country sways in the midst of storms of frightening proportions, I believe we’ve never had a greater need of building our lives upon Jesus as the Rock of our Foundation. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.