Times and Seasons

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV).
“If you have the gift of teaching and aren’t using it in some manner in this church, you’re grieving the Holy Spirit.” As I listened to those words, I gave thanks for the lessons God had taught me which freed me from the guilt I would once have felt.
When our family began singing fulltime in 1982, I simply was not able to teach Sunday school, sing in the Choir, or do any of the things that I’d done in the past. As I wrestled with guilt, the Holy Spirit brought Ecclesiastes 3:1 to my mind: “To everything there is a time and season and a time to every purpose under heaven.” I realized God was saying that just as different activities are appropriate in different seasons of the year, using different talents will be appropriate in different seasons of our lives.
My life became so much more enjoyable when I realized the Holy Spirit would prompt me about which gifts God wanted me to use in a given season. He is not a ruthless taskmaster, as the man given one talent described Him in the parable of the talents. He does not “harvest where (he) has not sown and gather where (he has) not scattered seed” (Matthew 25:24 NIV). If we ask Him, He will show us His plan for our present season.
Heavenly Father, help us relax and enjoy every season that you bring without guilt and shame.  Amen.

(Devotional from Homespun Faith, Reflections from the Seasons of Life, copyright 2014 Daisy Beiler Townsend. Available as paperback or ebook: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Xulon Press. There are Links on this website on the Where to Buy Homespun Faith and Sarah’s Legacy page.  Locally at Fresh Grounds, M & M Grocery, Leanna’s Books, Penn Alps in Grantsville, Maryland, or from me 724-373-8445 or donaisy@neo.rr.com.)


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