Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees (Hebrews 12:12 NIV).
My friend, Frannie, had just gotten a job offer so challenging she was sure God couldn’t expect her to accept it. Just thinking about it had caused her knees to be so weak that she had collapsed into a chair.
Then the phone rang. Her caller said, “I felt God prompting me to call and read this scripture to you. I don’t know why.” When Fran heard the first few words of the familiar Hebrews 12:12 passage, she wailed, “Oh no, not the ‘weak knees’ scripture again! That’s what God always says to me when He wants me to do something I’m sure I can’t do!”
It is normal for us to react negatively when God calls us into an arena where we feel incapable. That’s how I felt when I realized God
wasn’t going to provide someone else to play the piano for Donn and me in our gospel music ministry. My knees also felt weak when I understood that He expected me to do it, but I knew God didn’t want me to give in to my fears or to focus on my inadequacies.
No matter how difficult the task, God wants us to lift up our feeble hands and strengthen our weak knees, trusting that He wouldn’t have called us to the task unless He planned to enable us to do it.
Heavenly Father, help us to remember that when you call, you also enable. Amen.
( Devotional from Homespun Faith, Reflections from the Seasons of Life, copyright 2014 Daisy Beiler Townsend. Available as paperback or ebook: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Xulon Press. There are Links on this website on the Where to Buy Homespun Faith and Sarah’s Legacy page. Locally at Fresh Grounds, M & M Grocery, Leanna’s Books, Penn Alps in Grantsville, Maryland, or from me 724-373-8445 or
Photos: 1) One of my favorite pictures of my dear friend, Frannie Pratt, when we were holding Prayer Meetings at her house years ago; 2)Me playing the piano at a friend’s wedding long ago; 3) Our family during our NewSong Ministry’s years; Frannie Pratt, Jane Vath, and me early in 2000 at Jane’s house