Here it is the day before Thanksgiving, and once again we are facing a situation where unless God intervenes, we may have yet another difficult good-bye. Dwight, a dear friend of our twins, Robb and Angi, who has been like a son to us and has been the survivor of two kidney transplants and open heart surgery, has been fighting for his life in a hospital in Pittsburgh for the past month.
In spite of many positive developments, yesterday his doctor told his wife, Christy, they’re not sure how much more they can do for him. It was her birthday. With tears never far from the surface, it seemed like we were reliving 2021 all over again.
This morning my first waking thoughts were of Dwight and Christy. Then in the background from our “dream machine” that wakes us to music, I heard the words of a song that God used to get us through 2021. “You’re Still God” by Phillips, Craig, and Dean. T he words of the song are still true and so applicable to what Dwight and Christy are facing. I sent a link to Christy and listened to the song again.
V. 1 I thought I could trust you
Deep down I know I can
But I’m so hurt and angry
At this circumstance
Did I miss something somewhere?
Did I not pray enough?
But with a faith that is shredded
I’ll say that I trust
You’re still God
When I can’t see it
You’re still God
When it’s hard believing
You’re still moving
It doesn’t matter
If I know what you’re doing or not
You’re still God
V. 2 Feeling crushed by the questions
All the things I don’t know
But you hold all the answers
Where else could I go?
You’re still God though it feels like you’re hiding
And I’m dying here in the deafening silence
Begging for mercy with tears on my face
And all I’ve got left is a whisper to say
You’re still God
You’re still God
You’re still God
So besides the reminder that He’s still God, what is God’s message to Dwight & Christy, to us, and to any follower of Christ who is facing such circumstances in the season of Thanksgiving? As I asked the Lord what I should blog about today, what words of comfort He had for me and others whose circumstances do not prompt them to feel thankful, He spoke to me through the prophet Habakkuk.
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. (Habakkuk 3: 17-18)

If we feel like we have nothing else for which to be thankful (notice I said we feel like we have nothing else to give thanks for because surely we do), we can still rejoice in the Lord. We can still choose to be joyful in God our Savior even in the midst of sadness and uncertain circumstances.